2Local is Building a Worldwide Network of Consumers and Manufacturing Companies

The older generation left the world full of debt, economic companies that failed to dominate the market, individual units were excluded from participation in society, the government only defended large companies, there was a climate disaster coming back. The current generation has many problems, but there is almost no possibility or time to reveal them.

2local, a platform supported by blockchain, is building a network of customers and companies throughout the world that and companies do regionally and sustainably.  This platform supports shopping for the region and is sustainable with the help of a single cashback system, their specific payment application, a market that connects customers and businesses with constant ideals, and hence L2Ltoken.

2Local is Building a Worldwide Network of Consumers and Companies that Produce Regionally and Sustainably

2Local is happy to contribute to the expansion of a stronger world, with the Objective of Developing Global Organizational Property as a guide.  2 Local efforts for developing communities, growing social groups to unite all people, the world of property while not damaged from financial and financial arrangements and prosperity for all people throughout the world.

2 local fictional single cash back systems.  The token area unit is given awards to people who support original companies and property by shopping for their services and merchandise with L2L-tokens.  at least the low costs of each transaction are collected and shared among those who shop regionally and sustainably. By applying the most per person to the current cashback, 2Local wants to ensure that those most in need get the most.

Use L2L-tokens to shop at connected companies for monthly cashback.  Most are applied per cashback to provide facilities to those most in need.  And Cashback by shopping for regionally and sustainably to strengthen and support the community.

2local stands for international property and prosperity by creating original purchases and properties that are accessible to everyone.  2Local's vision is to combat poverty and hunger in the world and to uncover environmental and climate problems. 2Local is happy to contribute to the expansion of a stronger world, with the Objective of Developing Global Organizational Property as a guide.

Introducing L2L Tokens, Core of 2Local Ecosystem

2Local wants to try to do this by making their own property tokens, digital currencies linked to blockchain technology.  Cryptocurrency that focuses on sustainability, L2L tokens, maintains a steady increase in cost per unit, by persecuting the buffer between tokens and USD.  this implies the token will be used as a stable payment technique.

L2L tokens start mostly based on Stellar.  analysis on cash-back observes the need for regional units which are not supported by Stellar.  someone will switch to TRON, which might handle all the necessary functions.  L2L token values ​​can go up with every new user.

There are 2 unit area reasons for this, initial shopping for merchandise and services with L2L-tokens can build the intrinsic value of the token increase.  Second, the use of tokens, additional requests, and additional liquidity builds tokens and exponential increases in value.

2local buys an L2L token from the official exchange one month before making it out there in the application.  this can generate income for operations and hence a cash-back system.  The cashback graph shows income for operations.

L2L Tokens, Promote Collaboration Between Producers and Property Customers

Through the sale of L2L tokens, the rewards become out there and area units save in Foundation deposits that exceed.  2local keeps a reserve of L2L tokens and folds money to maintain the fixed climbing value of L2L.  Association degree algorithm rules monitor the L2L value.  Basically, it will sell L2L once its value goes up in excessive amounts and can get L2L once its value goes down.

Costs are deducted from each transfer, which is stored in a buffer exceeded.  To be used as cashback.  2Local hopes to use this coin to encourage cooperation between property producers and customers. 2Local tries this by providing a cashback system, wherever the area customer units are valued if they get them from the original company and related property.  2Loca wants to form a network between customers and companies, a unit of the World Health Organization area that is committed to the local ideology of property.

This gift is very easy, costs are reduced from each exchange or purchase.  in terms of system advantages and in L2L type tokens, this can be returned to local World Health Organization 2 participants buying property and original products from related companies at the height of the month.

This token will be changed for L2L coins, to the best fit. This cashback system aims to determine property and spending for indigenous people as values ​​in the world and to form individuals who consume additionally consciously at a reduced value.


Website: https://2local.io/ 

Author: baim107
ETH: 0x9aBc8b8a8AAA9d4Bb4c1E797e1Ed2Edf39A7124e


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