Online taxi platform: FRASINDO

Online taxi platform: FRASINDO

Whats up everybody WAJAHAT is here with another exciting blog on FRASINDO. The company is based on the mean of transport by providing a ride sharing services. It changed the concept for the method of transportation. The company provides full time service with the help of global positioning system, mobile phones & cameras. It help the participants to protect the asset. The team member of the FRASINDO is comprise of Sandy Budiman as a chief executive officer & founder, Lidya Fransisica as a bod & co-founder, Yohanes Joko M as a chief operational officer & co-founder, Vita Virginia S as a chief managerial officer & co-founder, Artur Stanek as a FRAS ambassador, Dave Pearce as a document escrow, Indra Gunanda as a back end development, Danil Tna as an operational officer, Ali Omer as a public relation advisor, Alpago Turan as a public relation advisor, Gokce Culer as a bounty manager, Erik Sugih Hartono as a lead IT & code auditor, Julian Asnawi Putra as an operational, Sofyan as an operational officer, Dian Salma Novitasari as a front end developer and many more.

The partners of the company includes Uber, Go-Car, Paid To Post, Grab, Stellar, Ignis, Arder, Asiaraya, Cointed, Venomrx And Nxt.Org. The token is known as Fras Coin. The crowdsale of Fras Coin was started on 15th February and closed on 15th April. The 1st round is open now for 4 days. It will facilitate the participant with 20% bonus. The 2nd round will open for 5 days. It will facilitate the participant with 18% bonus. The 3rd round will open for 6 days. It will facilitate the participant with 15% bonus. The 4th round will open for 7 days. It will facilitate the participant with 10% bonus. The 5th round will open for 10 days. It will facilitate the participant with 7% bonus. The 6th round will open for 13 days. It will facilitate the participant with 5 % bonus. The 7th round will open for 15 days. It will facilitate the participant with no bonus.

The history of the online car transport services started in March, 2010 with the launch of GoJek. The GrabBike was launched in June, 2014. The Uber was launched in August, 2014. The Sequoia was launched in October, 2015. The Ubermoto was launched in April, 2016. The GoCar was launched in April, 2016. The Farallon was launched in August, 2016. The Express Grour was launched in December, 2016. The Grab was launched in April, 2017. It is expected that there will be US 10 billion dollars earning till 2020 in Indonesia. It will help to save up to 71 million by using it. It has a power to decrease more than 46 acres of land. The problems includes the fake pictures & fake persons placed by the founders, hiding behind the word privacy while they hope to hold members' funds, buy senior account at, somehow the scammers often have good marketing and design, they have complete funds, & dare to take risk in the campaign, to get a lot of bitcoin, not having the assorted legal documents and real permits that can be checked, not even have real office or real address to find, most don't even have real company/deeds of incorporation in the beginning and selling just an idea or empty promise in the hope of getting funds falling from the sky. Along with these problem the companies are offering something that has no real application in the real world, even if it has income it often the target is not realistic with the funds needed, do not have an actual product / brand, profits are shared by creating more empty coins to share, not backed by real assets for safeguards, the roadmap with never ending deadline and no clear goals, neither guarantee nor warranty and the future of the coin seems to depend on the value of the pump and dump. The FRASINDO provides the solutions of all of these problems. The Government set some obligations which are public rental transport and special lease transportation (IPAS), tariff, workshop, quota, place to store vehicles (POOL), car ownership certificate (STNK) must be under the auspices of the legal entity, taxes, vehicle engine capacity (cc), periodic testing (KIR) and dashboard access and sanctions.


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