MMO Game Lordmancer II Targets Billion+ Mobile Player Market For It's Cryptocurrency
MMO Game Lordmancer II Targets Billion+ Mobile Player Market For It's Cryptocurrency In South-East Asia its estimated that by 2018 there will be 765 million players of mobile games. The US, EU & Canada are equally huge markets with a combined number of players of 546 million. One of the most popular type of games in this market is Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) RPG games like World of Warcraft and Eve Online. These MMOs have passionate communities of players who buy and sell game content. Until now however there hasn’t been a MMO with it’s own cryptocurrency. Enter Lordmancer II. What is Lordmancer II? Lordmancer II is a free to play mobile MMO RPG game. It offers an ever expanding and changing game world. In this world players are able to directly interact with one another. It also features “clash of clans” elements as players battle for territory, capturing resources and mines. What Cryptocurrency Is Used In Lordmancer II? Lordmancer I...