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Hello everyone, dear friends!
Today we will talk about the project VR MED
What it is
The software and hardware complex VR MED for screening in the field of ophthalmology was tested at the Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the University of Applied Sciences FH Aachen, Germany. Today, the VR helmet is able to replace 40% of the entire ophthalmologic function room, the cost of which is 6 times less than the cost of the Golden Standard equipment.
Multifunctional medical headset
Field of View Analyzer
The VR MED headset provides a field of vision analysis that allows doctors to diagnose the early stage of glaucoma. Preliminary testing of the headset, performed at the University of Applied Sciences FH Aachen, confirmed the uniqueness and innovation of this product. Now the equipment is being tested at the Institute of Eye Diseases of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The VR MED headset is mobile. To use it, the clinician only needs the headset and the laptop to which it will be connected. Its weight (0.4 kg, about one pound) and compact dimensions make transportation much easier. It can be used in mobile medical institutions, small inpatient clinics and in telemedicine facilities.
Ergonomic design
VR MED is integrated into a headset with an ergonomic design that, unlike its competitors, provides a higher degree of accuracy with rapid eye tracking. This gives the versatility of the headset for use in a variety of medical conditions.
It is very convenient
VR MED is the first medical device in the world to use VR technology for a wide range of applications. He has similar successes not only in ophthalmology, but also in neurology and rehabilitation. All you need to transform is to install the necessary software and configure the system. Do not need to change the device itself. Only one set of equipment covers most of the clinic's needs with VR technology.
Token: ERC 20 protocol 
24,000,000 tokens Price: 0,25 USD = 1 token VRMD 
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New innovative technology
The main difference between the VR MED helmet and the "virtual counterparts" is that all the internal components, including the optical system (lenses) are unique, this ensures high accuracy in obtaining and processing patient data. VR MED technology is protected by 4 patents and has been tested in clinics in Russia, England and Germany.
To date, using a helmet, you can already perform diagnostics in the field of ophthalmology: assess the clarity and range of vision, conduct screening for the presence of signs of glaucoma. VR MED is able to replace 10 of the 13 "Golden Standard" devices, which should be in the office of the ophthalmologist. The result of this optimization will be more than $ 150,000. And this is only ophthalmology. The capabilities of the helmet are much broader and can solve the problems of such areas, for example, as neurology.
The project has a strong and highly qualified team, which in my opinion is able to bring the project to the highest level in the shortest possible time and I hope they succeed.
The team includes large specialists from various industries with many years of experience. With key participants you can see on the official website, there you will also find links to their personal accounts in social networks.
Friends, I want to say that this is really a new and unusual project. You can also pay attention to this project, and study it in more detail.
Additional information Website: https://vrmed.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/vrmedio


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